The beauty of natural stones.
The beauty of natural stones.
The beauty of natural stones.
The beauty of natural stones.
The beauty of natural stones.
The beauty of natural stones.
The beauty of natural stones.
the luxury of stone
iridescent shades
Hexagonal trend and more

Q-BO Ceramic Project

The rectified porcelain stoneware, polished to a mirror finish, is hand-coated with a blend of titanium oxide and precious metalssi

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Q-BO Marmo Project

The charm of natural stone comes from its ancient origins. Q-Bo only processes high quality marbles from selected quarrieste

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You can carry out the project, any design or decoration, with different techniques, plate size up to cm. 60 x 120.

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After 30 years of experience in producing textures and decorations through sanding in low relief on ceramics, natural stone, glass and wood,a new concept of surfaces is taking shape


The Q-BO project is no less than a New Generation of Materials. We have created a line of products in natural stone, re-inerpreted with reliefs, shape and design decorations produced with our exclusive equipement and avant-garde technology.


La tecnica della sabbiatura , grazie a Tecnologie all’avanguardia ed impianti di alta precisione, esalta le decorazioni superficiali dall’alto contenuto di design ,conferendo grande eleganza e pregio estetico ad un prodotto tecnico.